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Planning A Getaway On A Busy Schedule

It can be hard enough to plan a vacation when you have the time to do it, given the logistics involved. There’s travel, lodging, rental cars, food, what to wear, and everything else. When you have a busy work schedule, though, it can be even harder to sit down and look into your vacation options. Throw kids and all their activities into the mix and it can feel downright impossible.

Luckily for you (and your sanity), a quick vacation isn’t out of reach! Just follow these tips, and you’ll be able to plan — and take — a relaxing or exciting vacation no matter your busy schedule.

Plan During Your Breaks
The average American spends almost two hours a day on their smartphone, and if you commute by public transport or carpool, it’s probably more. Use that time to plan a vacation!

Not only can you look into stuff to do, photos, best times of year to visit, and prices, you can do the actual booking from your phone as well. Major travel sites like Expedia, Travelocity,, Priceline,, and so on all have mobile apps so you can browse, choose, and book your trip on the go!

Book A Package Vacation To Save Time
Some of us like to micromanage our vacations to pick the exact car, flight, hotel, and activities we want to do, and there’s nothing wrong with that. It’s time-consuming, though, and that’s time you might not have.

If you’re pressed for time, look for package deals instead! Lots of vacation destinations will help you build a vacation deal with just a few clicks, selecting travel, lodging, sometimes even food and guided tours, and then pay for the whole thing up front.

Or take the package deal to the next level with an all-inclusive deal. All-inclusive hotels and cruises offer tons of activities for one lump sum, and you don’t have to plan anything until you arrive!

Stay Local
Booking a vacation doesn’t have to mean flying across the country. Pick a city within an afternoon’s driving distance, pick a hotel, and hit the road! Once you get there, you can use apps like Yelp, Groupon, and LivingSocial to find places to eat, activities to try, and great deals on local attractions.

You don’t even have to leave home! Chances are, you haven’t been doing the touristy stuff in your own city. Pretend you’re new in town — look up attractions for your area and try them out, eat at places you’ve never been before, and take a walk through your local shopping district.

Use Holiday Breaks
Most companies offer major holidays off, and chances are your kids will be out of school too. If you’re not too attached to your family traditions, you can take a year and travel instead. Even a four-day weekend around a major holiday will be a welcome break in your busy lives, and might just turn into a holiday you remember forever!

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